Application for Survey License
Survey License Approved
Application for Generation License
Under Construction
The Tamakoshi-V Hydropower Project is located approximately 170 km north east of Kathmandu, the capital of Nepal and approximately 40 km away from the district headquarter of Dolkha District- Charikot Bazaar. The district head-quarter is connected with the capital by Arniko Highway upto Lamasangu which is approximately 90 km and by Lamasnagu – Jiri road which is approximately 40 km up to Charikot. A gravel road of about 33 km is available from Charikot to Singate Bazaar is recently upgraded for the construction of Upper Tamakoshi Project. The newly constructed road connecting Singate Bazaar and Lamabagar for the construction of Upper Tamakoshi HEP passes from the both powerhouse and the headwork sites of this project. This road is recently built. Apart from the powerhouse and headwork sites of this project location of the adit tunnel for the construction of the headrace tunnel is very close to the newly built road. Thus the access to the construction adit will also be easier. Hence, this project does not need access road. However; few kilometers of project road is to be constructed to reach surge tank site, adit tunnels at surge tank, adit tunnel for the underground powerhouse and some particular locations of the project before the construction of the project.
Design Discharge | 66 m3 /sec |
Maximum Net Head | 149.61 m |
Maximum Gross Head | 160.93 m |
Average Annual Flow | 68.03 m3 /sec |
Headrace Tunnel-Length | 8.20 Km |
Application for Survey License
Survey License Approved
Application for Generation License
Under Construction